Years 3 & 4 Maths Tuition

KS2 Maths Tuition.


£50 /hour

Live Classes with Mrs. Iffat Khan.

Tuition is held over MS Teams, or Google Classroom, at a regular weekly time that suits you.

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Our focus of mathematics teaching, is to ensure that pupils become progressively fluent with whole numbers and the four operations, including number facts and the concept of place value.

This should ensure that pupils develop efficient written and mental methods and perform calculations accurately with increasingly large whole numbers.

Our pupils will develop the ability to solve a range of problems, including simple fractions and decimal place value. Our teaching will ensure that pupils increase accuracy and develop mathematical reasoning, so they can analyse shapes and their properties and confidently describe the relationships between them. 

By the end of year 4, our pupils would have memorised their multiplication tables, up to and including the 12 multiplication table and show precision and fluency in their work.

Tutoring Today pupils will be able to read and spell mathematical vocabulary correctly and confidently, using their growing word-reading knowledge and their knowledge of spelling, from our lessons.

Below are the key areas we focus on at Tutoring Today:


  • Number and place value
  • Addition and subtraction
  • Multiplication and division
  • Fractions (including decimals)


  • Properties of shapes
  • Position and direction


  • Interpret and present data using bar charts, pictograms and tables
  • Solve one-step and two-step questions

Mathematics is an interconnected subject in which pupils need to be able to move fluently between representations of mathematical ideas. Our programmes of study are, by necessity, organised into the national curriculum categories, but pupils will be taught to make rich connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems.

Years 5 & 6 Maths Tuition

Our focus for mathematics teaching, in upper key stage 2, is to make sure pupils extend their understanding of the number system and place value to include larger integers. This should develop the connections that pupils make between multiplication and division with fractions, decimals, percentages and ratio.

We teach our pupils to solve a wider range of problems, including increasingly complex properties of numbers and arithmetic, and problems demanding efficient written and mental methods of calculation. With this foundation in arithmetic, pupils are introduced to the language of algebra as a means for solving a variety of problems. Pupils will grasp the concept of geometry and measures, which will consolidate and extend knowledge developed in number systems.

By the end of upper KS2, our aim is for all pupils to be fluent in written methods for all four operations, including long multiplication and division, and in working with fractions, decimals and percentages.

Below are the key areas we focus on at Tutoring Today:


  • Number and place value
  • Addition and subtraction
  • Multiplication and division
  • Fractions (including decimals & percentages)



  • Properties of shapes
  • Position and direction


Ratio and proportion


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